Harborne & Edgbaston

The Committee and its tasks

The Management of Our u3a is vested in the committee as stated in the u3a's Constitution (available on the website). The committee is formed of members whose duty it is to carry out its general policy and to provide for the administration, management and control of the affairs and property of the u3a. Any member can volunteer for election to the committee as roles become available and indeed all are encouraged to think about offering their services! The u3a needs committee members in order to continue.

The u3a is a Charity and all committee members are registered with the Charity Commission as Trustees of Harborne & Edgbaston u3a.

Currently the committee has 12 members (elected and co-opted) to fulfil various roles in the running of the u3a. There are defined role descriptions, see below.
These posts are Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary (called the Officers) and Secretaries for Groups, Membership, Speakers, Social events and Web Administrator. These committee members meet regularly, usually once every two months, to discuss whether our u3a would benefit from further development, and what form (if any) this should take. The Committee also discuss any complaints members of the organisation may have voiced. In addition there are several essential supporting roles, fulfilled by a Room Bookings Coordinator and - last but not least - a Tea Rota Organiser, who keeps count of members attending General Meetings, including the AGM, and organising tea rotas.