Handsworth Wood


The art group meets at 10.30 until 12.30 on Wednesday mornings during term time.

The venue is the Clem Dench Scout Headquarters on Hamstead Hall Road B20 1HX.

The cost £25 per term,( following the school term dates) plus membership of the U3A. £10 annually.

Themes are suggested by the group leader but members are free to pursue their own direction.

Work is displayed twice a year for other u3a members to enjoy and admire.

You need to provide your own materials but the group are friendly and welcoming so if you are short of something your needs will normally be provided for by a member.

Hot drinks available but please, bring your own cup, biscuits provided.

NB. We don’t meet during school holidays!

Click on a picture below to see it full-size with more details.

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Art Bridge Crafting History
Out and About Outings Rambling Scrabble
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Art Bridge
Crafting History
Out and About Outings
Rambling Scrabble
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