
Art Appreciation

We do not paint or sculpt but we are all very enthusiastic about the many aspects of Art in all its forms. We enjoy sharing our views and interpretations about the works we look at and are always discovering something new.
Venues for group meetings vary and can be someone's house, or a community hall, or outdoors.
Presentations to the group by various of our members, usually followed by a general discussion. So far in 2023, we have also visited Worcester Art Gallery’s exhibition on British Impressionism , in July we shall go to the Barber Institute, Birmingham and later in the year to see the Art collection at Dudmaston Hall.
Please contact our Groups Coordinator via the Contacts Page if you are interested in joining this group, or need any other help.

More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Classical Music Digital Awareness Discussion
Financial Awareness History Jazz Appreciation Language
Latin Philosophy-1 Poetry Science
Scrabble Strollers & Countryside Studies Walking (short)
More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Classical Music
Digital Awareness Discussion
Financial Awareness History
Jazz Appreciation Language
Latin Philosophy-1
Poetry Science
Scrabble Strollers & Countryside Studies
Walking (short)