

Guildford U3A

  • is an autonomous local University of the Third Age affiliated to a nationwide movement;
  • has over 1,300 members in this area;
  • offers over 100 courses and interest groups, see our Prospectus photobook;
  • has group excursions and visits to theatres and concerts;
  • holds regular monthly meetings with talks of general interest.

The Third Age arrives when a person becomes free of the restrictions and responsibilities of the Second Age of full-time employment. The Third Age can be a time of creative activity and fulfilment. Anyone can join who shares our principles of self-help learning. No qualifications are required. We believe that everyone in the Third Age has something to contribute.


The Objects of The U3A are:

To advance the education of the public and in particular the education of older people no longer in full time gainful employment in Guildford and its surrounding locality.
The provision of facilities for leisure time and recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the above persons in the interests of their social welfare.

The University of the Third Age is an educational self-help organization for the retired or semi-retired. It draws on the wealth of knowledge and experience of its members to set up study groups and common interest groups and to organize recreational activities.

The annual subscription is currently £30.

Terms and Conditions

Registered charity: 296975