Great Glen Oadby & Wigston


Our Monthly Newsletters
We email, post or deliver the newsletter to advertise the next speaker meetings. Need pdf reader? Click pdf reader.

Starting new groups or one offs
If you have an idea for a new group speak to the Groups Co-ordinator or email Groups Coordinator. If you have an idea for a one off or short course contact Sue Russell, Learn Something New email: lsn. Grants for equipment may be made to establish new groups.
u3as have a wide range of member-lead groups, to find what u3sa offer look at the list of range of groups.

Zoom Meetings
zoom logo
If you need help to get started with on-line zoom meetings look at the zoom guides

zoom logo"Installation of Zoom is usually quite straightforward. If you would like help in setting it up on your device, then Sue and I are happy to help on a one-to-one basis over the phone. "
Peter Russell
email: webmaster.
Need help with using your computer
Make use of the Ravenshead guides
We are able to make short -term loan of a notebook computer, please contact the webmaster.
Renewing your membership
Members renew their membership in February to March. Expect a renewal notice three quarters of the way through February and a reminder at the end of March/early April.
Details on how to renew are shown at Renewals.

Annual General Meeting
AGM 2023 Papers

Our Constitution
The Constitution was last updated in December 2020.

Our Policies

Support from U3A National Office Third Age Trustu3a Trust
If you don't opt out, you will receive the Third Age Matters magazine five times a year. If you do not want the magazine your subs is £2 less.
There is also a free monthly email newsletter which will inform you about other u3as, you need to subscribe on the Third Age Trust website u3aNewsletter.
A free advice service is offered to members through Independent Age for advice on money benefits, health, mobility, and care and support.
Freephone is 0800 319 6789 or email query to advice.

Sharing car expenses
Car iconMembers travelling to their activity and sharing cars may wish to use the Great Glen Oadby & Wigston sharing car expenses scheme.

Become a Trustee
If you want to put your name forwards please use the Trustee Nomination Form. We welcome prospective Trustees to attend a Committee meeting beforehand, email: Chairman , or phone for an invitation