Greater Thame


GTU3A Committee Members

Convener - Deborah
Treasurer - post vacant
Membership Secretary - Maureen
Secretary - Joan

Committee Members:
Pam F
Josie - co-opted member

Speaker Programme Coordinator - Rod
Groups Coordinator - Pam F

Further details are included on the membership information card.

If you would like to join Greater Thame U3A please use the contact form for our membership secretary. Queries can also be sent to the treasurer and speaker programme co-ordinator. For all other queries please use our general enquiries form.

Privacy of your information - please note that Greater Thame U3A take privacy seriously and only use the data you provide to assist with keeping you in touch with the activities of the U3A; it is just used to support the running of the U3A.

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Enter your own name and e-mail address:

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