Forest Of Dean

Art & Craft

Craft Group meets on the 1st and 4th Thursday of the month from 10 am until 12 at the Springs Centre in Lydney.

We aim to have taster sessions to learn new skills or to enhance existing skills. Most topics will start on the 4th Thursday and be continued at the following session. The topics are led by Group Members. Our programme is still being developed but will be available shortly.

Anybody, who prefers not to be involved in a particular topic, is welcome to bring other Craft along.

If you are interested and would like more information please feel free to contact Gill by clicking on the link on the right.

Click on the pictures below to see a full sized version and use the arrow keys to scroll through them.

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More Group Pages
Art & Craft Book Group Cycling 1 & 2 Forest Uke3A
German Conversation History Group Jazz Appreciation Group Kurling
Luncheon Club Mahjong Natty Knitters Painting
Petanque Shuffleboard Singalong Skittles
Strollers Walking Group Walking from Lydney/Hotfooters
More Group Pages
Art & Craft Book Group
Cycling 1 & 2 Forest Uke3A
German Conversation History Group
Jazz Appreciation Group Kurling
Luncheon Club Mahjong
Natty Knitters Painting
Petanque Shuffleboard
Singalong Skittles
Strollers Walking Group Walking from Lydney/Hotfooters