

We now offer a half yearly subscription of £6 until 1st September 2024

An application form is available for prospective members and the link is on this page.

We need to ask for membership forms to be returned every year to maintain the accuracy of our records.
However if you have difficulty printing off a form, please just send your details either by email (if you can pay online) or post (if you wish to send a cheque), and if you wish to donate through Gift Aid. These can then be entered on to our system.

Payment can be made into our bank account or by sending me a cheque. If online, then can you please let me know if you will be sending a completed renewal form
If your contact details haven't changed I don't require a form as I can enter you on to the system as before. However if this is the case then can you give me your consent for the following please

The organisation’s records will be maintained on computer, and are kept solely for u3a Fife’s administration. They will never be supplied to an outside agency or party. Committee Members and Group Leaders of the Groups of which you are a member will have access to the records, along with u3a Third Age Trust and u3a Scotland, in each case for their own administration, and for you to receive the u3a magazine “Third Age Matters.”
Your specific agreement is required to the above in order for us to claim exemption from the need to register with the General Data Protection Register.

We hope you will help us to administer Fife u3a in the most effective and convenient way by agreeing to the declaration below.

I consent to the holding of my membership record on computer and its disclosure to the Committee Members of the u3a Scotland and the Third Age Trust#

Please keep us informed of any changes of address or email address during the year so we can ensure that you receive all relevant communications, including the quarterly national magazine Third Age Matters, which is sent directly to your home.

If you are an eligible taxpayer, Fife u3a can receive Charity Gift Aid donations, so the government will make a contribution of 25% of your subscription.
As it is a complicated process to filter out those members who have already submitted a form, we would ask that you complete another if you are eligible.

The Member Renewal form and the Gift Aid form can be downloaded from this page
Details of how to pay and to whom they should be sent is found on the form.

Details of planned events can always be found on our website and in our regular Newsletters.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Fife u3a for the 2023/24 session and hope to receive your membership form soon.

Sadie Seath
Fife u3a Membership Secretary