Exe Valley

Links to educational resources:

Free educational resources online (this list was published in the U3A Sources Magazine Oct 2011).

Academic Earth : Free academic video courses from leading universities.

BBC Learning Zone :Online tutorials designed for secondary school students but the explanations are so clear they are ideal for a first approach to a subject.

Lecture Fox : Hundreds of free lectures from major universities for around the world.

MIT's Open Course Website: Serious undergraduate and post-grad level courses with freely downloadable materials.

National Archives :over 100 talks on historically-themed subjects which can be listened to as a podcast.

Open2 :The online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC

Open Learn :An offshoot of the OU, topics are presented as mini-courses in OU style.

The Royal Society :Talks given at The Royal Society

The Royal Society for Arts :RSA talks available through their website.

TED Lectures :These are based in California. Hundreds to choose from, grouped by subject.

YouTube EDU :Videos on the well-known YouTube site uploaded form universities around the world.

University College London :Lunch Hour Lectures