Ems Valley

Terms and Conditions

The Ems Valley U3A Web Site is overseen by a volunteer web administrator. However it is up to members to keep the site up to date. Nominated members, usually group coordinators, will be given editorial access to their pages. The web site administrator is only responsible for checking content within the terms and conditions. Any items that appear to be outside the scope of these T&Cs and of the U3A will be removed by the web site administrator.

There is no restriction on the content other than it should be relevant to the U3A or one of it's groups and it must not be of a commercial nature, that is NO ADVERTISING. Obviously it must also be legal and non-confrontational.

The administrator may refer anything included on the web site to the Chairman and/or the Committee for their approval.

If any names, email addresses, phone numbers or other personal information are included in on the web site it will be assumed that permission has been obtained from the person(s) mentioned and that the data is for publication.

You are not allowed to advertise events organised by other people, associations, clubs or societies that do not have a direct connection to a U3A group or the the Ems Valley U3A on this web site.

The web site is constantly being updated with news of events and group activities. It is recommended that you check back regularly and remember to REFRESH (F5) your browser to ensure you view the latest version of any pages.

Any photographs, graphics, logos, symbols or anything else of a similar nature included on the web site must be free from any copyright restrictions. It is the responsibility of the person supplying such items to insure that they are copyright free and the Ems Valley U3A assume that editors have checked the copyright of any images.

Information that contains future dates will be removed as soon as that date expires, or very soon after.

Ems Valley U3A reserve the right to remove anything that is considered out of date.

The format, layout, colour scheme, size and length of anything on the web site is at the editorial discretion of the administrator.

This web site is copyright Ems Valley U3A. All data, information, graphics, photos etc. etc., by inclusion on this web site, become the property of the Ems Valley U3A and may not be copied or reproduced in any way at all without the express permission of the Ems Valley U3A.

Every reasonable care must be taken to ensure the accuracy of information on this web site, the web site is posted for information only and may be updated, altered or amended at any time. All the information published is of an advisory nature only. Neither the administrator nor the Ems Valley U3A can be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by actions taken by anyone acting upon the information given on this web site. Before participating in any event or with any group you should check with the coordinator/leader/organiser that all the information published here is correct and has not been changed since publication.

Errors and omissions are excepted.

You should also read How to update your Group