Ely & District

New groups

New groups are being formed all the time, providing there is sufficient interest and providing there are members willing to help run the activities.

Where an existing group is full, another group may be formed to accommodate new members, or suit those who would prefer a different day of the week. Please look at the Diary and also the EVENTS page before selecting time and day in order to avoid with clashing with too many other groups.

New groups that have been suggested from time to time include:
Cross Stitch
French for beginners
Line Dancing
Mental Health Support
Travel Experiences
Yoga (needing a qualified instructor)

If you interested in any of these, or have another new group that you would like to organise please send a message to Groups on the the CONTACT page.

Remember you do not have to be an expert to run a group. The purpose of the U3A is to continue in the pleasure of learning.

Page Editor: Linda Swain