
Committee Roles

EU3A's Committee is elected at the AGM every year with members serving for three years. Individuals may seek election for one further period of 3 years. All Committee members are also Trustees of Edinburgh u3a.

Brief role descriptions of Committee posts

Chair: The Chair’s role is to chair the monthly decision making meetings of the Committee, to represent u3a to other u3as, the Region and the national u3a. The Chair gives a sense of direction that motivates the Committee and the whole u3a and is responsible for ensuring that the u3a develops to meet changing needs within the principles of the u3a movement. The Chair chairs the AGM and delivers the Trustees report each year to the members.

Vice Chairs: The Vice Chair(s) deputise where necessary for the Chair in any of the Chair’s duties and provide an alternative source of motivation to the committee and the whole u3a. They also hold other posts.

Secretary: The Secretary draws up the agenda for the AGM and Committee Meetings, sends out papers and maintains records of decisions. The Secretary also acts as contact person with members, the Third Age Trust, and Scottish Region, arranges accommodation, provides an administrative structure for Eu3a and maintains the archives.

Treasurer: The Treasurer maintains records of income and expenditure in the General and Social Funds and has a responsibility along with the other Committee Members to ensure that group finances are properly managed. The Treasurer prepares a budget for the year and provides reports to each Committee Meeting and an annual account for external examination and submission to members at the AGM and to the Office of the Scottish Charities Registrar. The Treasurer manages the u3a’s bank accounts, and submits Gift Aid Claims to HMRC.

Assistant Treasurer: the Assistant Treasurer assists the Treasurer in the conduct of his or her role, and is responsible for the management of the Restricted Funds.

Group Coordinators: The Group Coordinators help and advise their designated group leaders and maintain communication between them and the Committee. They help to generate and form new groups and give guidance and support to new Group Leaders. They advise the Website Manager and the Technical Support Manager on Group information held on the website and on the Beacon membership database and collaborate with others in the maintenance of the Guidance for Group Leaders document on the website.

Membership Secretary: The Membership Secretary maintains the database of members, collects and reconciles membership fees and renewals. This role is the first point of contact for people applying to join the u3a.

Assistant Membership Secretary: The Assistant Membership Secretary is responsible for distribution of materials to members. The Assistant Membership Secretary shadows the role of the Membership Secretary, given its key function in the u3a.

New Members Secretary: The New Members Secretary is responsible for welcoming new members to Eu3a, by organizing the new members’ meetings, and keeping in touch with new members and being aware of their experience and concerns. The New Members Secretary also attends our monthly Open Meetings to welcome new members and provide information to potential members who come along to find out what the organisation provides.

Internal Communications:
Monthly Meeting Talks
- Compose letters & send emails and letters to members re talks. Host Monthly Meeting Zooms (not always). Upload recordings to YouTube. When face-to-face meetings, general help.
Beacon Membership System - Liaise with Mem Sec. re processing, esp. around membership renewal time. Some spreadsheet work. Edit Committee members’ roles, permissions, etc.
Publications: Groups Booklet (Annually) - Mailmerge and edit printed booklet, arrange printing and packing and posting. Also Group Leaders’ Guidance booklet. Zoom - Maintain & allocate groups use timetable. Pay and claim for licences. Committee Meetings -Attend around 10 times per year. Represent the Bulletin and Clarion editors if required

External Communications: This new post is responsible for establishing mutually beneficial relationships with sites of learning and other institutions in the city as well as other organisations for older people. The role is responsible for publicity, publicity material and for informing people about Eu3a. The role also takes an interest in seeking to adapt MOOCS to the needs of Eu3a.

Website Manager: The website manager is responsible for maintaining EU3A’s website by updating the content and improving and building the site. The Website Manager reports to the Committee on the usage of the website each month.

Technical Support Manager: The Technical Support Manager is responsible for the purchase and maintenance of Eu3a equipment and maintaining the equipment inventory. He/she and/or one or more members of the technical support team sets up sound equipment for the open meetings and operates the roving mike. The Technical Support Manager maintains u3a PCs and their software, advises the Committee about purchase and replacement, and can advise groups on equipment needs.