Eastbourne Central

Socrates Cafe

We meet on 3rd Tuesday of the month

Socrates Café is a structured discussion group. Each participant is asked to submit a topic, two are selected by a democratic vote. The discussion begins with the person whose topic was chosen and continues until each person has had a chance to speak uninterrupted for a few minutes. Further discussion is encouraged but participants are asked to wait for recognition by the leader before speaking. This structure ensures that no one member dominates the group. Topics in the past have included social issues, political and current affairs, art and culture. A time for tea/coffee and chat is included between the topics. Participants are asked to make a contribution of £1 per session, if possible, towards the refreshments.

To join - contact the group leader - details are in the study group booklet or email through the link on our Contacts page.

More Group Pages
Aspects of Science group 1 Aspects of Science Group 2 ÇA SE DISCUTE’ Barn Folk and Country Dancing
Book Group Bridge British Ceramics 1750-1850 Coffee Morning
Crafts Creative writing Current Affairs Decorative painting
Easy Outings In the News Local History Lunch Group
Military History Music Appreciation Opera group 3 Opera Monday Group
Opera Tuesday Group Photography Scrabble group 1 Scrabble group 2
Shakespeare 2 Shakespeare group Socrates Cafe Stroll and Chat
Summer Outdoor Painting Tai Chi & Qi Gong Tap Dance Group The English Novel 1800-1950
Theatre Group WW2 Social History (Europe)
More Group Pages
Aspects of Science group 1 Aspects of Science Group 2
ÇA SE DISCUTE’ Barn Folk and Country Dancing
Book Group Bridge
British Ceramics 1750-1850 Coffee Morning
Crafts Creative writing
Current Affairs Decorative painting
Easy Outings In the News
Local History Lunch Group
Military History Music Appreciation
Opera group 3 Opera Monday Group
Opera Tuesday Group Photography
Scrabble group 1 Scrabble group 2
Shakespeare 2 Shakespeare group
Socrates Cafe Stroll and Chat
Summer Outdoor Painting Tai Chi & Qi Gong
Tap Dance Group The English Novel 1800-1950
Theatre Group WW2 Social History (Europe)