East of England Region

Keep Smiling

This page is dedicated to a new initiative by Phil Joiner of Wanstead and Woodford u3a.
To keep his members' spirits up he has been producing a new style of magazine designed
to give folks a smile.
He has offered to share this publication with other u3as and we are pleased to add some
of the back catalogue to our own website for the benefit of East of England u3a members.
New issues will appear regularly, and will be added to this page.
There are jokes and puzzles galore and if you read them from issue 1 they can provide
something of a social commentary on the pandemic and other recent events.
The magazines will stop when Wanstead and Woodford u3a "is fully back in action" (as Phil says).
We hope you enjoy them.
Click on the link to the right (Keep Smiling) which will take you to Midhurst u3a Website
in order to download your copy of these fun magazines.
May we express our thanks to Phil for agreeing to share his creations so widely
and Midhurst u3a for the link.