
Ukelele Tay Ukes

Group leader: Ross Howat
Email: rosshowat@aol.com

Class location: Finmill Community Centre

Tayukes ,the popular ukulele / percussion only social group , return back to Finmill Community Centre on Friday 16th August ,
1 30- 3 30pm after a summer break.
More songs added to our Song Book , new members joined us , diary of community events , residential care homes / social housing residents to entertain over the next few months .
Come and join us : to sing , play percussion or learn the ukulele ,you will be made most welcome 🤗🎸🎼🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Contact Robert 01382 737458

A group of mixed abilities that just enjoy making music together.
Come and join us you’ll be made most welcome !
Tuition available .

We are a friendly social group of enthusiastic Ukulele
players. We enjoy playing & singing together and have a great variety of music : old, modern,country but mostly happy !
We have varying levels of skills with mixed ability ,not all always note perfect but relaxed in learning from each other . Fully embracing U3A ethos , Learn Laugh Live.
Come and join us . New members always welcome.

New members are always welcome to join this vibrant friendly ukulele social group

Meet Finmill Centre Friday 1 30 pm -3 30pm.

More Group Pages
Aloha! Ukes American History (civil rights) Archery Art Group
Badminton Book Group Bridge Card Making
Casual Sunday Lunch Group Chess Group Craft Cribbage
Current Affairs fortnightly 2/4 pm Digital Photography Family History Folk Singing
French Intermediate Gardening Group German Advanced / Intermediate History
Italian Beginners Plus Italian Intermediate Jewellery Making Knitting
Mah-jong MOTO Music Makers Patchwork
Philosophy 1 Philosophy II Scottish Dance Class Sign Language &Speech Reading
Spanish Continuing Beginners Spanish Intermediate Spanish Intermediate Language & Culture Strings Entwined Andante
Strings Entwined Instrumental Group Ten Pin Bowling Travel Group Ukelele Tay Ukes
Ukulele - Discovery Ukes Ukulele Dee Ukes Wee Adventures Write Now Writing Group (Central)
Writers Group Writing for Well Being Zoomulele
More Group Pages
Aloha! Ukes American History (civil rights)
Archery Art Group
Badminton Book Group
Bridge Card Making
Casual Sunday Lunch Group Chess Group
Craft Cribbage
Current Affairs fortnightly 2/4 pm Digital Photography
Family History Folk Singing
French Intermediate Gardening Group
German Advanced / Intermediate History
Italian Beginners Plus Italian Intermediate
Jewellery Making Knitting
Mah-jong MOTO
Music Makers Patchwork
Philosophy 1 Philosophy II
Scottish Dance Class Sign Language &Speech Reading
Spanish Continuing Beginners Spanish Intermediate
Spanish Intermediate Language & Culture Strings Entwined Andante
Strings Entwined Instrumental Group Ten Pin Bowling
Travel Group Ukelele Tay Ukes
Ukulele - Discovery Ukes Ukulele Dee Ukes
Wee Adventures Write Now Writing Group (Central)
Writers Group Writing for Well Being