

Learn ukulele in the comfort of your own home, at a mutually convenient time. Then join one of our existing groups when you feel ready.
One-to-one or small group learning using "Zoom" and other guided online resources.
You can even borrow a ukulele to get you started if you don’t have your own.
All you need is a compatible computer or tablet, internet access, and a willingness to have a go.
To get started, or for further info, contact

Iain - 07708 955844

More Group Pages
Aloha! Ukes American History (civil rights) Archery Art Group
Badminton Book Group Bridge Card Making
Casual Sunday Lunch Group Chess Group Craft Cribbage
Current Affairs fortnightly 2/4 pm Digital Photography Family History Folk Singing
French Intermediate Gardening Group German Advanced / Intermediate History
Italian Beginners Plus Italian Intermediate Jewellery Making Knitting
Mah-jong MOTO Music Makers Patchwork
Philosophy 1 Philosophy II Scottish Dance Class Sign Language &Speech Reading
Spanish Continuing Beginners Spanish Intermediate Spanish Intermediate Language & Culture Strings Entwined Andante
Strings Entwined Instrumental Group Ten Pin Bowling Travel Group Ukelele Tay Ukes
Ukulele - Discovery Ukes Ukulele Dee Ukes Wee Adventures Write Now Writing Group (Central)
Writers Group Writing for Well Being Zoomulele
More Group Pages
Aloha! Ukes American History (civil rights)
Archery Art Group
Badminton Book Group
Bridge Card Making
Casual Sunday Lunch Group Chess Group
Craft Cribbage
Current Affairs fortnightly 2/4 pm Digital Photography
Family History Folk Singing
French Intermediate Gardening Group
German Advanced / Intermediate History
Italian Beginners Plus Italian Intermediate
Jewellery Making Knitting
Mah-jong MOTO
Music Makers Patchwork
Philosophy 1 Philosophy II
Scottish Dance Class Sign Language &Speech Reading
Spanish Continuing Beginners Spanish Intermediate
Spanish Intermediate Language & Culture Strings Entwined Andante
Strings Entwined Instrumental Group Ten Pin Bowling
Travel Group Ukelele Tay Ukes
Ukulele - Discovery Ukes Ukulele Dee Ukes
Wee Adventures Write Now Writing Group (Central)
Writers Group Writing for Well Being