Dulwich & District



Dulwich and District u3a (formed in 2014) is part of a nation-wide organisation for people who are retired or semi-retired. We are a charity, self-governing and run entirely by volunteers drawn from our membership. Our 700+ members come from a wide area across South London.

Our purpose is to enable people to share a wide variety of interests and pastimes in small groups with other like-minded people. Additionally we hold monthly meetings with speakers covering a wide range of topics to which all members are invited. We currently have over 90 interest groups, full details of which can be found on the Groups page.

No qualifications are required or offered, we are here for the joy of learning, sharing and having fun.

An annual membership subscription of £10 (concessions available) gives access to all our activities.

Members also have the opportunity to join Summer Schools and Study Days organised nationally or for the London area and receive the magazine “Third Age Matters”

Go to the How to Join page for more information about joining and a link to the membership application form.

Enquiries – go to the Contact page

Website feedback - Please email the Webmaster

Registered Charity Number: 1188529

Welcome to Dulwich & District u3a