Zoom Help Page
This page contains links to video clips and word documents that may be useful in helping you with zoom.
Here is a video that takes you through connecting to zoom for the first time ZOOMFIRST
This is a video aimed at getting ‘seniors’ onto Zoom SENIORZOOM
This video will help you get the Zoom App onto your IPad or IPhone PADPHONE
This link will take you to a set of instructions that you can print to accompany the Zoom on Ipad video ZOOMINSTRUCT
This video shows some useful presentation tips for host convenors ZOOMPRESENT
This link will take you to a ‘test’ meeting to enable you to check everything is working.CHECKZOOM
The Zoom website has a lot of useful tutorial videos and 'how to ' instructions click ZOOMWEBSITE
Learn how to download the Zoom app from an email invitation by clicking ZOOMEMAIL
For a print and keep instruction sheet to accompany the video above click ZOOMEMAILHELP
To download Zoom from the zoom website click ZOOMWEB
For printed instruction that accompany above video click ZOOMWEBHELP
Printer friendly instructions for hosting a zoom meeting ZOOM HOST
Printer friendly instructions for participating in a zoom meeting ZOOM PARTICIPANTS
There is an alternative to Zoom - perhaps not as sophisticated but simpler to use. the advantage is it is free and has no time limit. To see a short introductory video click JITSI