
Useful u3a Links

Third Age Trust The national body to which u3as belong. Its website provides information about national u3a activities as well as useful resources for interest groups
Cotswold Link A network of about 25 u3as within Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Droitwich u3a belongs to this network, and the Members page on their website provides links to the websites of many neighbouring u3as
West Midlands Region A grouping of about 85 u3as within the West Midlands. Droitwich U3A belongs to this group, and the Members page on their website provides links to the websites of many neighbouring u3as
u3a on Facebook Follow the Third Age Trust on Facebook
u3a on Twitter Keep up with the latest news from the Third Age Trust on Twitter
Trust u3a An online u3a community established by the Third Age Trust to meet the demand to become a member of the u3a movement while face to face contact is limited
World u3a The World u3a is a free internet service - not a membership organisation - and their online projects are available to all u3a groups or kindred organisations worldwide
u3a Oversights For issues related to SiteBuilder (the system used for many u3a websites), including statistical information derived from different u3a websites. For example, the Groups page shows common interest groups in a given region. Useful if similar groups from different u3as want to contact each other, or if a group wanted to organise an outing and didn't have enough members to warrant it, they could invite like-minded members from other u3as to join them
u3a Research Database Find out more about u3a research nationally by searching the database - perhaps you will find ideas for your own research