

New group starting: The Silver Cyclists. Please see the Groups page for further information.

The December 'Christmas Get together' was amazing. We were entertained by GROW FLORAL (RAILWAY ROAD, URMSTON), who entertained us with a beautiful Christmas Wreath demonstration. This was followed by a Christmas Quiz and mince pies.

We had an information table at Flixton Carnival and we were very glad it didn't rain!!! We were approached by a few people who were interested in the our U3A. All are welcome.

Davyhulme U3A Committee opportunity:

We are a very friendly and supportive Committee and meet every two months for a short discussion meeting to plan for the future.
You are welcome to come along to our Committee meetings to see what goes on. Do contact any of the Committee members if you wish to do this.

At the present time a few roles are becoming vacant as people move onto pastures new. The current vacancies & their responsibilities are outlined here:-

Programme Secretary

  • The Programme secretary is responsible for setting the dates & booking the speakers for the Monthly Forum.
  • Check the Forum dates, then double check them with the Treasurer, who is responsible for booking the Venue.
  • Contact a variety of speakers from the list provided.
  • Keep a record of the Programme with the speakers’ contact details, fee and equipment.
  • Contact the speakers the week before to confirm their attendance.

The members already in these positions are willing for you to shadow their activities before taking over.


Hopefully members are keeping up to date with their vaccinations but as Covid is still around we need to be aware of this and, therefore, please do not attend meetings if you are feeling unwell.



This Newsletter contains lots of innovative and brilliant ideas from local U3A groups around the country.

Keep checking the National U3A Website for recent developments & further news!
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