Welcome to the Cynon Valley u3a website.
We are based in Aberdare in the Cynon Valley in South Wales and currently have approximately 45 members.
The u3a meets at 2.00pm in Cynon Linc, Seymour St. Aberdare (CF44 7BD) on the first Friday of each month except August and December.
The monthly meetings are open to all members (and those wishing to join) and normally include a Guest Speaker (see Annual Programme) as well as a general meeting to update with members on programmes and local u3a matters.
From February 1st 2024 each person attending the monthly meeting will be required to pay £1 for which each person will receive a free raffle ticket (should they wish to participate).
Annual Fees are currently £15, and this covers the cost of joining as many Groups as you wish.
Costs are low because our activities are organised by our members, who share their skills and expertise.
Our various Groups meet regularly at venues in the Cynon Valley and arrange their own time table of activities.
Please use the menu above to explore in detail what we have to offer.
We hope you will join us, especially if you have an interest or skill to share.
To find out more about the history and ethos of the U3A, follow this link:
The Third Age Trust