Crouch Valley



General Group Information

Listed below are our interest groups and the name of the contact for the group. Most meet monthly and the usual meeting time is shown on the timetable linked to this page, Bowling, Table Tennis and the Strollers group meet weekly. Interest groups are self financing, but we aim to keep the costs as low as possible.

We welcome suggestions for new groups so if you have a special interest not represented here we will be delighted to offer help in setting up a group to pursue your interest. Please contact our Group Coordinator for further information via the contact page.

Group Finances

The summary of current group balances is shown in the Treasurer page.

Group Leaders General Information

Please note all groups who meet at the village hall are aware of the Fire Alarm Procedure. Follow General Information link to view document.

If groups have to amend or cancel meeting dates please could you give the Village Hall at least 2 months notice.

Where bookings are required by a Group Leader it is recommended where possible to make booking as Crouch Valley U3A. If for any reason there is an issue, injury etc then any claim made could be covered under the U3A general insurance policy.

Can each Group Leader ensure there is an emergency contact number for each member within your group in case of any emergency.

Group Leaders Guidelines

Group Leaders are requested where possible to follow guidelines below;

1.Group leaders when addressing the members should also use the microphone as this has two benefits

2.The hall is equipped with an “Audio induction loop” This helps those who wear hearing aids hear more clearly when the hearing aids are switch to the “T” position

Group leaders will collect Contact names and telephone numbers from members of their group to be used in cases of emergency.

To help there are 2 forms that can be downloaded. They are;

Attendance Record Form
Accident Report Form

Group Leader Mail Guideline

When Group Leaders are communicating to their group members by e-mail it is recommended that you send the mail to yourself and the members using the bcc functionality.

Cluster Group

If Group Leaders would like to join other groups within our district please read the information on the Maldon & District Cluster Group page.

Group List
Art Appreciation
 Linda Denston
 Linda DenstonBird Watching & Wildlife Group
 John Gable
 John Gable
Book Group
 Astrid Reeves
 Astrid ReevesComputer & Mobile Device Group
 Richard Bradshaw
 Richard Bradshaw
Cricket Lovers
 Ray Burns
 Ray BurnsCurry Night
 David Shea
 David Shea
Family History
 Jane Peachey
 Jane PeacheyGames Group
 Julie Ferris
 Julie Ferris
 Sue Jacobs
 Sue JacobsGoing Out Group
 Ray Burns
 Ray Burns
Jazz Appreciation
 Ray Burns
 Ray BurnsKnit & Natter
 Brenda Neale
 Brenda Neale
Local History
 To Be Advised
 To Be AdvisedMaldon & Dist Cluster Group
 Don Wragg
 Don Wragg
Music Appreciation
 Linda Denston
 Linda DenstonPlay Reading
 Anne Rowland
 Anne Rowland
Singing For Fun
 Sharon Victory
 Sharon VictoryStrollers
 June Saunders
 June Saunders
Table Tennis
 June Saunders
 June SaundersTen Pin Bowling
 Joyce Sach
 Joyce Sach
 Pat Fayers
 Pat FayersWater Colour Painting
 Carol Laker
 Carol Laker
 Sharon Victory
 Sharon VictoryWine Appreciation #1
 Linda Sinclair
 Linda Sinclair
Wine Appreciation #2
 Sue Jacobs
 Sue Jacobs