
Coventry Spires

 General Information on u3a

u3a stands for University of the Third Age. The word "university" is used in its original sense of people coming together to share and pursue learning in all its forms, both academic and recreational.  The main aim is to encourage and enable older people who are no longer in full time paid employment, and with a little time to spare, to help each other in sharing their knowledge, skills, interests and experience.

The remit is very wide, covering educational, cultural, recreational, physical and social aspects of life.  Members take part in activities because they enjoy them; there are no exams, awards or qualifications. The u3a is run by members for members; they arrange and run their programmes to suit their own skills and desires.

Coventry Spires u3a

Coventry Spires u3a was formed in May 2002, when the existing Coventry Branch was deemed to have reached capacity. We now have close on 150 members.

General Meetings

We hold a general meeting on the third Thursday of every month, see the Events page.
At most of the general meetings, we invite a speaker to give a talk on a topic of general interest, followed by a free mug of tea or coffee and biscuits.


We have over 20 Groups. Activities range from Walking, Bowls, Learning Languages, Psychology, Current Affairs, Painting and Drawing, and Art Appreciation.


The Committee arranges day trips 3 times a year to places of interest see the Events page.
Most years they also organise a holiday.


We produce a quarterly Newsletter for our members, called Hot off the Press (HOTP).
General notices and Group meetings are in the Newsletter