Boston & District

Modern History

We make no claim to be experts or professional researchers; rather, we are enthusiastic amateurs. Anyone joining is asked to bring to the group an interest in Modern History and a willingness to participate.

Every month (except August) we hear a presentation on a historical subject or topic, in the agreed annual programme; and discussion follows.

The undersigned convenes the group supplies premises (large front room), and drafts the annual programme with input from members. Group members, including the undersigned, volunteer to research and present.

Modern History starts well before the 20th century. Ten years ago we started in the 18th century, because this seemed at the time to be a period in which, after centuries of relatively slow development / progress, society, scientific research and the economy started to change fast.

Having now reached the point (around 1960) where “history” begins to shade into individual members’ conscious experience & memory, we have taken a decision in principle to retrace our steps and begin again, a little earlier (probably in the early 17th century) and spread our net to cover British, European and American history, and global interaction. Naturally, we will be exploring social, scientific and economic developments as well as traditional political and military events.

To give a flavour of how we approach modern Modern History, recent presentations included (among others): Cyprus (EOKA, enosis & the Turks), Homesteading in Canada, the French IVième République & De Gaulle …

We also often hold sessions on a lighter note, where members choose candidates for: “raft” debates (= which famous / infamous historical character gets to survive the shipwreck), Who Do You Think (S)He Was (guessing identity from biography), unsung hero(in)es, the best PM we never had, etc.

Each summer we also undertake a history-related excursion, and have been to (among others): Southwell Workhouse, the Wilberforce anti-slavery museum in Hull, Belton House (including “downstairs”) and Freiston Shore (formerly the centre of the Boston Riviera, later a front line of defence).

At the moment we are full, but feel free to join the waiting list – unless anyone wants to start a second group??

Any member who would like to form a second group can contact the Group Leader by E Mail by clicking on the BLUEBIRD on this page.

More Group Pages
Astronomy Bird Watching Book Group Bookends
Breakfast Group Canasta Canasta Hand and Foot Carpet Bowls Tuesday
Carpet Bowls Wednesday Croquet Cryptic crosswords Family History
Film Group French for Enthusiasts Garden Group German Conversation
IT Latin Local History Luncheon Group
Modern History Music Appreciaton Classical Outings Photography
Quiz Scrabble Shared Reading Group Singing for Fun
Textile Craft Walking Wanderers Walking
More Group Pages
Astronomy Bird Watching
Book Group Bookends
Breakfast Group Canasta
Canasta Hand and Foot Carpet Bowls Tuesday
Carpet Bowls Wednesday Croquet
Cryptic crosswords Family History
Film Group French for Enthusiasts
Garden Group German Conversation
IT Latin
Local History Luncheon Group
Modern History Music Appreciaton Classical
Outings Photography
Quiz Scrabble
Shared Reading Group Singing for Fun
Textile Craft Walking
Wanderers Walking