
Science & Technology

Frequency:4th Tuesday of the month
Venue:Tap & Spile, Manchester Street, Morpeth
Leader:Anne Brown

Apart from a general chat about topical science and technology subjects one of our members will introduce a topic of interest giving a longer talk, or 2 or 3 members
will give shorter talks.

June meeting - Short talks-David Byrom 'The High level Bridge' and 'Engineering involved in raising the South Korean Ferry after capsizing in 2014', Dave Skelton 'Wipe Film Evaporators', Terry Hawkins 'A Maths Challenge' Max Cairns 'Stirling Engines'

July 25th Short talk - Anne Brown 'The Discovery of Ancient Microbes', Colin Argent - Short vidoes

Otto M-C recommends the following video 'This is the most detailed map of our universe, it spans more than 500 million light years & contains more than 100,000 galaxies & follows on from my talk 'The Structure of the Universe'


Otto M-C recommends MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses.
Max's info is that the most prolific supplier consortium seems to be FutureLearn [others include edx]. FutureLearn offers 141 courses all free [charge if certificate wanted]. Study time varies but a typical one might require 4 or 5 hours a week for 6 weeks or so'

Max recommends Computing with Quantum Cats charting the development of computers up to and including quantum computers - which explains quantum theory in a very readable way.
Available from Morpeth library. The other book is Richard Feynman - A Life in Science. Both books by John Gribbin

David B recommends the following book 'Reality is not what it seems (The journey to quantum gravity) he says it is a fairly easy read with virtually no equations.
Author: Carlo Rovelli Publisher: Penguin Random House.

The TED Talk Otto recommends 'How CRISPR lets us edit our DNA' by Jennifer DOUDNA

Some of our members recommend the following science and technology books
[Rod B] Galileo's Daughter - Dava Sobel, Longtitude - Dava Sorbel, The Code Book:The secret History of Codes & Code Breaking - Simon Singh, Information Graphics - Sandra Rengen, Focus- BBC Science & Technology monthly magazine
[Dave S] Bad Science - Ben Goldacre, Scared to Death - Christopher Richard
[Max C] Starship Century-Towards the Grandest Horizon - James Benford & Gregory Benford, What if ? - Randall Munroe
[Dick D] Chaos - James Gleik
[Anne B] The Epigenetics Revolution - Nessa Carey

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