Do you work part-time? Retired? Then u3a could be for you. U3a is a nationwide network of learning groups aimed at encouraging older people to share their knowledge, skills and interests in a friendly environment. u3a is uniquely for older people, giving you the opportunity to meet and make new friends who share the same interests or lifestyle. If you have always wanted to learn a particular skill, or enjoy sharing your knowledge with others, u3a could be a good option for you. There is no lower age limit but the u3a is for people in their third age - retired or semi-retired.
Joining a u3a is a great way to find and develop new interests and make new friendships in a relaxed and fun making environment through our Interest Groups. We welcome new membership applications from anyone in their “third age”, which means anyone no longer in full-time employment; there are no age restrictions, and your subscription includes monthly meetings at the Village Hall for talks presented by guest speakers. These are held on the third Wednesday in every month at 2.00 p.m. for 2.30 p.m. Guests are welcome for a payment of £2.50. It is a great way to meet people and see what is going on and what groups there are.
Benefits of joining u3a
• Make a difference, stay active, keep learning and have fun;
• Get out to meet face to face – learning together and making the most of life;
• Access to online learning, training and resources to inspire you and attend learning events and talks for free;
• Meet other people with similar interests: learn new things and share your skills.
We are very happy to welcome new members. If you wish to join Redbourn u3a please contact the Membership Secretary via the Contact page and click the relevant button. You will receive a membership form for completion and return. Our membership year runs from April 1st to 31st March and our fee is £18 pro rata. If you join now you will receive the Third Age Trust magazine and information about groups and events. See the events page.
Please note that you must be a member of Redbourn u3a to join in any groups.