

For information about group meetings, click when and where groups meet, then click the group name.

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We aim to have half-day walks which range in length between about 4 and 5 miles, which are neither too strenuous nor go at too fast a pace. It is impossible to avoid all hills in Scotland but, if we do go up hills, they are not be steep or high and we do not hurry.

Group members are encouraged to suggest and lead walks, so that the burden does not fall solely on the group leader. Details of each walk are circulated by email approximately one week in advance. Numbers on walks are very variable, usually within the range of 10-30, the figure of 30 being the maximum practical number that would be acceptable on any walk. Car sharing is encouraged, both to assist those members without their own transport and to provide a greater selection of walks that might be restricted due to inadequate car parking space.

Since we want to enjoy the sights and variety of the local countryside, it is inevitable that we use paths or tracks where the ground conditions are a bit taxing, especially in the winter months. There can be no guarantee of fine weather at any time of the year so, if you are in doubt about whether the walk might be going ahead, please check with the leader beforehand. Suitable footwear, normally walking shoes or boots, and waterproof clothing are essential. In addition for the winter walks hat and gloves are also essential. It is sensible to carry a small first aid kit.
The leader assumes that members do not take part in a country walk of about 5 miles if they have a medical condition which makes that inadvisable. You should therefore be reasonably sure that your participation in a walk would not either put yourself at risk or create difficulties for the leader or other group members.

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Art Appreciation Backgammon
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Book Group 6 Botanical Illustration
Bridge Bridge - an Introduction
Canasta Ceilidh Dancing
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Film Appreciation French (advanced)
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Glen Walking Golf
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History 2 History 3
Inch Walkers Italian Conversation
Knit and Natter Lets Discuss
Listening to Classical Music Listening to opera
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Ukulele for all Upland Explorers
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