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Scrabble is a great challenge involving both skill and chance. Some of us are new to the game, while others are skilled and experienced players; some play boldly, others defensively, some aim for the trebles, others sneak in with the big score letter: some are quick, others cogitate and take their time: some want to get rid of as many letters as possible, others add a single letter and beat the lot, or wait their chance for that really impressive sweep. But however we play we do so with fun and good humour.

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Art Appreciation Classical Music Digital Awareness Discussion
Financial Awareness History Jazz Appreciation Language
Latin Mindfulness Philosophy-1 Poetry
Science Scrabble Strollers & Countryside Studies Walking (short)
More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Classical Music
Digital Awareness Discussion
Financial Awareness History
Jazz Appreciation Language
Latin Mindfulness
Philosophy-1 Poetry
Science Scrabble
Strollers & Countryside Studies Walking (short)