Heatons & Reddish

Modern Literature

Modern Literature

Contact and Leader - Kate (click on name to contact)

The Modern Literature Group meets at my home in Heaton Chapel, on the second Wednesday of each month from about 10.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs.

We have about half an hour of tea/coffee and chat to begin with, then, promptly at 10.30, start our discussion of the current book.

The group has a limit of ten members and each member is expected to lead the discussion on the month’s book about once a year.

We read a wide variety of books covering classics, thrillers, biographies and prize-winning novels and try to cover authors from every continent.

We are a very welcoming group and try to make sure that everyone has a chance to express their opinion.

We often disagree about the merits of a particular book, but our discussions usually lead us to a better appreciation of the book in question.

More Group Pages
Architecture Bird Watching Book of the Month Bridge
Chess Crafts Current Affairs Drama
Family and Social History History Line Dancing Looking at Art
Modern Literature Music Appreciation Philosophy Cafe Photography
Play reading Science Sing Along Spanish Workshop
Ukulele Band Walking group Strollers- easy walks Walking Groups Middlers- 4-5 miles Wildlife & Gardening
More Group Pages
Architecture Bird Watching
Book of the Month Bridge
Chess Crafts
Current Affairs Drama
Family and Social History History
Line Dancing Looking at Art
Modern Literature Music Appreciation
Philosophy Cafe Photography
Play reading Science
Sing Along Spanish Workshop
Ukulele Band Walking group Strollers- easy walks
Walking Groups Middlers- 4-5 miles Wildlife & Gardening