New members - please contact the Membership Secretary (Geoff) for more information if you wish to join Northwich u3a.
Existing members - please contact the Membership Secretary (Geoff) if you wish to change your personal details, email address or if you have queries relating to your membership.
Please contact the Group Coordinator (Rosie) for information regarding starting a new group or for enquiries about existing groups.
Contact the Secretary (Wendy) for general queries.
If you have any website related queries, you can contact our Webmaster (Susan).
We have now introduced a 'Pigeon Post' contact logo on Group Webpages. You can click the pigeon and send a message directly to the group leader if the Pigeon logo is showing (top right) for that group activity.
If you prefer a phone call reply rather than email reply, please include a 'phone number in your message...