Technology Help - Hybrid Meetings

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This particular Guidance addresses the return to u3a meetings that we can start to envisage.

Namely, as we have come out of restrictions due to Covid-19, we can start to have physical meetings again.

However not all u3as are going to return immediately to how things were previously for holding meetings (be they large or small).

We can envisage an evolving transition period where we have a mix of people meeting physically and for the same meeting some being online.

We are calling these ‘Hybrid’ or Alternative meetings. Sometimes the term ‘Blended’ or “Webcast” is also used.

There isn’t one simple scenario; there will be all forms of mixes and venues to consider. This Guidance tries to describe some of the hardware elements that can be harnessed to cover all these scenarios.

While principally written around the use of Zoom, it is expected that any of the other equivalent software conferencing programmes (eg MS Teams, Google Meet, etc) will work equivalently on most of the hardware proposed in this document (other than the specific Zoom hardware options).

For the sake of simplicity, we have not covered other software for facilitating livestreamed meetings such as OBS or Switcher Studio.