Please use the menu options on the left to add to and change the contentsof the page for which you are responsible.
Click View my page at any time to see the current state of your page. (To load it into a separate window or tab, right-click with your mouse on the link and choose from the resulting menu.) From there you can follow links to your own "sub-pages" if you have them, and anywhere else on the site.
When you click Edit text you will see a text area in which to type your words. The text will "wrap" around from line to line, and a scroll bar will appear when necessary. Press the Enter key only when you really want to start a new line, otherwise just let the text wrap automatically. Press the Enter key twice to get an empty line between paragraphs. (If you have any sub-pages, you will first need to select which page to edit.)
The Site Builder is not a word processor, but it does support a few simple formatting options: centred headings, bold and italic text, and tabulated lists. Follow this link for details.
You may add other items to any of your pages, including links to sites of interest, event details, email contact addresses, and pictures. If your page is a group page, you may create sub-pages linked from it, to extend the information about your group's activities.
In each case you will need to enter data on a web form, and press a buttonto save it. You will see a confirmation of what you have entered, and be given the chance to correct it.
Please contact the person responsible for administering your site if you need further advice about editing your page.