File Uploading

Uploaded files will normally be human-readable documents, e.g. PDFs, word-processor files or plain text. As with pictures, you will be shown a form containing a Browse button to navigate through your local file space and find the file to upload. Ensure that file names contain no non-alphanumeric characters except hyphens and dots. The system will prevent the upload if the new filename is identical to that of an existing file.

It is always advisable to reduce the size of images embedded in your documents before attempting to upload them. so that they can be downloaded quickly by website visitors to your website, even those with slow broadband connections. There is an absolute size limit of five megabytes for uploaded files.

Once you have loaded the file, you will be shown another form in which to enter the link data. Do so immediately, or your uploaded file will not be accessible. You may choose to password-protect your uploaded file so that it can be read only by your own members. The first time you do so, please mail Site Builder Support with your chosen username and password.

In general PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format is the one which visitors to your site are most likely to be able to read, download and use. You cannot upload web pages (.htm or .html files) because of the security risks. To display information that already exists elsewhere as a web page, make a link to the relevant URL. Alternatively take a copy of the text, then create a new page and "paste as plain text" into the usual data entry form.

Change or Removal

To change information about an uploaded document, change the associated link data. It is not possible to change the content of, or the file name for, an uploaded document! Instead remove the original link, upload the replacement file, and re-make the link. Removing a link to an uploaded file will also remove the file itself.