Two kinds of pictures can be added to a published site:
If your image files were produced by from a modern digital camera or smart phone they are likely to be very large, taking an unnecessarily long time to download when the site is being viewed. The limit for uploaded image file size is 1.5 megabytes, and the easist way to achieve this is to reduce the image width to 1200 pixels before reloading. This will not adversely affect the quality of the image when shown in a web browser. It may also be desirable to improve your picture's quality by cropping unwanted areas and altering brightness and contrast. The dimensions of all uploaded images will be adjusted automatically fit the screen on which they are viewed.
File names should contain only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers), plus a hyphen if you wish, and (obviously) the dot which precedes the file extension. The only file extensions accepted are .jpg, .jpeg, .pmg and .gif.
You will also be asked to give each picture a title, and (optionally) some details about it. When a picture is shown on a page of its own its title will appear as page header, so it needs a meaningful tile rathar than a filename. It is quite acceptable to give several related pictures the same title - only their filenames must be unique.
Images on your site should "earn their keep" by illustrating your own U3A's location and range of activities, ideally along with some accompanying text. If you find it difficult to decide on a suitable title for a picture, or explain why it is there, ypu may need to think twice about including it!
You may attach as many pictures to a page as you like. You can show only one picture on the Home page at any one time — if you add more the one most recently loaded will be shown. For other pages the most recently loaded go in the sidebar — if there are more than five they are shown as "thumbnails" into a block below the page text. If visitors click on one to see it in full size, they will be able to follow successive links through all the other pictures for the same page, in reverse order of their upload time.
You now have an additional option to change the default display order of pictures in sidebar and 'overflow' block by applying an extra sequence number to them.
If you put a new logo on the Home page it will supersede the default U3A logo and be shown on all the other pages as well. But you can add a logo to any other page as a one-off, when it will also supersede the default. You can show only one logo per page as there is only one place to put it: on the right of the page header.
The standard U3A logo now links automatically to the site for the Third Age Trust. Uploaded logos may also act as links to related external sites - just enter the relevant URL in the relevant data entry form. But check for possible legal restrictions before uploading proprietary logos to act as links.
If the "Gallery" button is activated, a selection of pictures will be shown on the "Gallery" page as a block in "thumbnail" form. If visitors click on a thumbnail to see it in full size, they will be able to follow successive links through all the other pictures on the site. The pictures will be shown by their "parent" page, and in reverse order of their upload time, i.e. the with most recently added coming first.