Tool Kit
The tool kit is to support climate and environment associated groups. It is designed to help new groups through setting up, deciding how to operate and choosing topics to cover. There is also a ‘Resources’ section on this site, containing lots of useful information (e.g. activities, tips, presentations and speakers, books, films, courses and websites) to help both new and existing groups throughout their learning journey.
In due course, the Group of u3a members who have put this tool kit together, hope to be able to expand its coverage beyond the climate crisis, to give better coverage of the biodiversity crisis and other environmental/sustainability issues.
The information in this tool kit is taken from a range of sources. There can be no guarantee as to its quality, appropriateness and accuracy – it is up to users to make their own decisions on what to use and if necessary to check the content. Please let us know if you spot any errors or potential additions by using the links on each page or the ‘Contact Us’ link.
Please use in conjunction with the Resources page.
Click on the links on the right to navigate your way around the tool kit.