

Membership SecretaryKate Methven

Welcome to Churchdown u3a. To find out more about the thinking behind the u3a, please take a look at the Governance of the Third Age Trust. For more information on our Constitution, please see Churchdown u3a Constitution.

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Chair's Message re: Upcoming AGM in June '24

In two months’ time, we have our AGM when it is time to vote in our new committee for the forthcoming year. I am aware that the majority of the present committee are putting themselves forward for reselection but, two of our current committee are standing down and therefore, there will definitely be vacancies. Within the next few days, the majority of you will receive a nomination form for election to the committee by email. Please give this some thought and remember that our Churchdown u3a would not exist without a committee to run it. From personal experience I can confirm that committee membership is certainly not a chore, and it is a great opportunity for you to have a say in the running and direction that our Churchdown u3a will have in the future. Ideally this form is required to be completed and forwarded to the secretary by our May meeting on Wednesday, 15th May 2024. However, as a dispensation, applications will be allowed at the AGM itself in June but, to assist the present committee it is preferable that applications are submitted by the May meeting.

Many thanks.

Robbie Philips

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New members - How to join us
If you would like to join, we are happy to send out Membership forms via the post or you can download them by clicking on the appropriate links on the right. For some more background and information to our u3a, feel free to go through our latest newsletter Update Issue 43 December 2023.

If you have any questions regarding membership, please feel free to send an e-mail to the Membership Secretary.

2022-2023 Membership Fees
The fees include a £3.50 per person fee to The Third Age Trust. The fees will be reduced by half if you provide a copy of a 2023-2024 membership card from another u3a.

One member12 months£14
Two members at the same address12 months£22

To print out the 2023/24 membership application or 2023/24 membership renewal form, please use the links to the right and send it to the address on the form.

Gift Aid
If you Gift Aid your Churchdown u3a membership fee, the charity can claim Gift Aid tax relief of 25p on every £1 you give. All the money we are able to generate from this source will contribute toward keeping our membership fees and costs down. The Gift Aid form is included in the membership application form in the links to the right.