
Feedback from meetings

New Group Opportunities
A lively discussion at a recent New Members meeting, suggested possible topics for new Groups. A search through the websites of other U3As demonstrates the almost endless possibilities for new Groups.
It only takes a small number of people interested in learning about a subject to form a Group. Whilst it helps if somebody in the group has some basic knowledge, it isn’t essential – learning together from scratch can be rewarding and great fun. There’s plenty of support available, especially on the internet – and many topics have a national U3A lead who can help get things started.
Below are some ideas for new groups. If you might be interested in joining any of these, or perhaps even leading one, please e-mail or text/phone him on 07841 611345. This list isn’t intended to be exhaustive, so feel free to put your thinking caps on and come up with other ideas.
Even if you don’t feel any of these groups are for you, perhaps you have a friend or relation with a hidden skill who could set a Group up. Chorley U3A always welcomes new members and would love to see them bring their talents to our activities.
Practical Art Class
Wood Whittling
Flower Arranging
Board Games
Luncheon Club
Pub Quizzing
Music Appreciation
Film and TV Club
Travel the World
Model Engineering
Keeping Fit and Healthy
10-pin Bowling
Numismatics and Notaphily
LGBT Group
A “Man Shed”
“Knit and Natter”
Science and Engineering
Fun Maths
Creative Writing