Camelot Area


Should you pass the Castle Cary Market House on Monday afternoon you might hear strains of music floating out, probably from the U3A Recorder Group. I sense some of you shuddering at memories of your own or your children's first shrill whistles on what many believe to be a toy, perhaps endorsing Stephen Gosson (writer of “The Schoole of Abuse “ 1579), who intimated that recorder playing is the first step on the road to hell.

It's interesting to see that in recent times, recorder players have reached the finals of "Young Musician of the Year" competition.

The U3A group plays music from around the world; early Tudor pieces, folk tunes, modern pieces such as “Autumn Leaves”, and the challenge of tango and blues. We usually play on descant, treble, tenor and bass recorders and enjoy the discipline of playing in a group and learning new pieces (which sometimes need a bit of homework). We hope that the sounds you hear are pleasing and harmonious.

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