Cam, Dursley & District

Family History

Family History Research

A successful genealogy search comes from a combination of knowing which records exist; how to get access to them at a price you can afford (or free); being able to select from alternative solutions; and knowing how to get the most information from the documents you find. At the u3a Family History Group, you will find lots of advice to help start you on your path to discovering your family’s past. Or if you have already done some research, sharing ideas and tips with others can help you to progress.

When you start researching, you should not be surprised if progress comes in fits and starts. You may discover three or four generations in a single day, or you may take several months to uncover a single generation. The secret is to never give up. Even seasoned genealogists experience that sense of frustration when the next generation seems just out of reach

Genealogy research can be a lonely activity. Most genealogists do not join a family history society but you may prefer the companionship of other genealogists on the trail of their ancestors’ past. If that’s the case, the u3a Family History Group is a great place to share tips and find help. Our group has a nice mix of people starting out, and those who have researched for a while, ensuring a good variety of interest and experience to aid progress.

My name is David Buist. I have been researching my family since 2015, and have discovered much about my ancestors and relatives. Most of my more recent ancestors spent their lives in east and south east London while further back they hailed mostly from Sussex, Essex and Bedfordshire. Through DNA matches I've located cousins (some more distant than others) in Australasia and North America.

If you wish to join this group, then please contact me by clicking on the blue bird on the right, giving me an idea of your experience (ie none / started / some / intermediate / experienced). All are welcome, whether you have done any research or not.

Are normally held on the 4th Monday in the month at 2.30pm in the back room of the Dursley Methodist church - see below. Refreshments are normally served towards the end of the meeting which gives people the opportunity to chat and pick up tips. There is either a topic/talk or a working session doing live searches as the focus for each meeting.

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Dowsing for beginners Family History
First Editions Book Group Floristry
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Play Reading Poetry 1
Poetry 2 Quiz Group
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Sculpture Creation Short Walks
Skittles Friday Table Tennis
Table tennis too Tennis Group
The Third Page book group Theatre Group
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Wine Appreciation Wine Appreciation - Dursley
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