Caerphilly / Caerffili

Welcome / Croeso

Welcome to the website of the Caerphilly Branch of the University of the Third Age.

National u3a is currently in the process of moving to a new website host. This has resulted in the temporary loss of all photographs on the website. In addition, the link to contact the committee, or to contact any of the group coordinators by means of the link on individual group pages, may be affected. If you wish to contact us, try the appropriate link initially. If you get no response in a day or so, post a comment of our Facebook page, Caerphilly u3a, and we will answer your query.

The University of the Third Age is a national and international network of self-regulating local associations. Members are normally retired or semi-retired from paid employment. They co-operate to continue to pursue existing interests and explore new ones. No qualifications are required, and none given. There are no regular paid instructors. Interest groups set their own agendas, are self-financing and work at their own pace.

We are based in Caerphilly in South Wales and currently have approximately 89 members. Our activities are organised by our members, who share their skills and expertise. The various interest groups meet regularly at venues in the Caerphilly area. Annual Fees are currently £15, or £10 if you are already a member of another U3A Branch. This covers the cost of joining as many groups as you wish.

Additionally, we have a monthly general meeting open to all members and prospective members on the first Friday of each month. This takes place at 1.30pm in the Vanguard Centre, The United Reformed Church, Van Road, Caerphilly, CF83 1JZ. Tea and coffee available, and we have a range of guest speakers drawn from members and others.

Please use the menu above to explore in detail what we have to offer. We hope you will join us, especially if you have an interest or skill to share. Alternatively, please get in touch with our Secretary by email via the Contact page.

We have an entry in the Caerphilly Residents Guide, aka The Little Green Book, published by Standbrook. This lists many local organisations in over 140 towns and villages. See

The following poem was penned by Margaret Birt, one our members.

There Is So Much More That You Can Do

I’ve just joined U3A, I’m having so much fun.
Why don’t you join us? There’s something for everyone.
Stop looking at daytime TV and those four walls,
Immerse yourself and get out of doors.

There’s creative writing and poetry too, an expert you don’t have to be.
Or join the Family History group to research your family tree,
And maybe you’ll find a relative with an impressive pedigree.

If you are more of an energetic soul, then try one of our monthly walks,
All you need is a walking pole and a pair of walking boots.

At our monthly meetings you’ll meet new friends; they are a lovely bunch.
Then join them again when we dine out at our monthly lunch.

Discussion groups and interesting speakers, garden visits, theatre and cinema too.
So don’t hesitate, come and join us, there is so much more that you can do.