Burnley & District

History and Local History

Group Leader: Edith Thorp

The group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month.

We aim to have a varied programme with something for everyone: History includes talks ranging from past history to modern; Local History is mainly focussed on Burnley and surrounding areas, from cotton mills to canals.

We try to involve everyone and like everyone to add their own thoughts and ideas. At the moment we are working on a project about the history of local theatre and cinema, where everyone is involved and can add their own ideas. One newly adopted idea is to visit sites of local historical interest and recently we visited Pendle Hippodrome for a theatre tour. We are hoping to arrange more outings in the future.

Come and join us on the first Thursday of the Month.

We meet in the Unity Centre, Padiham Unitarian Church, Padiham, from 10.30 am to 12.00. All are welcome.

More Group Pages
Beginners' Spanish Books Coffee Club Exercise for Wellbeing
Folk Dancing French Conversation German pre-intermediate Hand Bell Ringing
History and Local History Indoor Bowls Italian Group Knitting and Crochet
Outings Painting For Pleasure Philosophy Group Photography
Quiz Scrabble Singing for pleasure Spanish – Intermediate
Spanish Beginners Ukulele Walking
More Group Pages
Beginners' Spanish Books
Coffee Club Exercise for Wellbeing
Folk Dancing French Conversation
German pre-intermediate Hand Bell Ringing
History and Local History Indoor Bowls
Italian Group Knitting and Crochet
Outings Painting For Pleasure
Philosophy Group Photography
Quiz Scrabble
Singing for pleasure Spanish – Intermediate
Spanish Beginners Ukulele