Blandford & District

Athelhampton House & Garden - September

Athelhampton House Our season of garden visits came to an end on 14th September when we visited Athelhampton House & Garden in Puddletown. Dovecot With the very varied weather of 2023 we were fortunate to end on a high note with the gardens bathed in sunshine. Main Fountain The house restoration, by the new owner, has seen many improvements with more rooms open to the public than in the past and with interesting and imformative videos to watch. Spooky !! The gardens were beautiful with the distinctive, large pryamid shaped bushes cut to shape (what a job that must be!), several fountains and ponds to admire along with the rose garden and plenty of seating to rest those weary feet! Bird in a tree ?? We enjoyed morning coffee on arrival and many of us stayed on for lunch in their excellent cafe before returning home later in the day.
Ancient chest
We will now to turning our attention to next year and hope to produce an interesting programme of visits in the early spring.