Exploring World Faiths
Interest Group Contact: CHERYL KIRBY
Send message using our Exploring World Faiths webmail.
Please contact Cheryl Kirby using our Exploring World Faiths webmail to go onto a waiting list.
With 3-4 people waiting the Interest Groups Coordinator will be asked to form another group - will require 1 or 2 waiting members to become the Group Contact(s).
Meeting at: 2pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month 2pm.
What we do: The Exploring World Faiths group studies individual faiths looking at the culture, beliefs and practice of religion as well as visits and discussion with local faith leaders and associated organisations.
Group News
In the first few months of 2023, Exploring World Faiths has continued to look at Anglian Faith with an emphasis on practice within our local community.
We have attended Sunday services at both St. George's and St. Peter's Churches. Our Tuesday meetups have been spent meeting both Rev’d Peter Hillman and Rev’d Andy Hudson who generously gave their time to inform about the Anglican Faith and also provide an insight into their personal journeys into their roles within the Church.
The photo on the right hand side, with beautiful light falling on the cross, was taken on our visit to St. Peter's Church, Thundersley.
In 2022, our Group has concentrated on the Christian Faith and at our October meeting we enjoyed a visit from Sister Rosario from the Sisters Of Mercy Catholic Order in Brentwood. Sister Rosario who is now 80 came over from Ireland when she was 16 and gave us an insight into her life as both a nun and a teacher working in England and in Africa.
She even undertook a parachute jump and wing walking to raise money for charity. Sister was very helpful in answering some of our questions about the Catholic Faith and our 2 hour visit went far too quickly.
Photos and write-ups: These are available on the page above and/or select on the right hand column on this page.
Details of earlier activities can be requested from Webmaster