Annual Membership
Membership Secretary Contact
Please contact Bob Munson using the Membership Secretary webmail link with any queries.
Next Membership Year: 1 July 2023 to 30 June 20243
As you are aware our current membership year ends on 30 June. Renewal forms for 2023/2024 for FULL and SIM members can be downloaded from the right hand column.
The fee for 2023/2024 is £20 for Full Members and £15 for SIMs.
If you wish to renew as a FULL member (membership numbers from 1 to 200), please complete the FULL member renewal form. You must be a current FULL member to use this form.
If you wish to renew as a SIM (membership numbers from 201 upwards), please complete the SIM renewal form.
If you wish to transfer from FULL to SIM membership, a cheaper option and possibly beneficial if your interest does not lie in the monthly meetings please request a transfer form from the Membership Secretary
SIM members who wish to transfer to FULL membership when there is a vacancy should indicate that in the space provided on the renewal form. Any available places will be offered on a first come first served basis.
Please return your completed form, together with payment and a stamped self-addressed envelope to our Membership Secretary and your new Membership Card will be sent to you.
If FULL membership forms are not returned by Friday 15 July 2022, then that FULL member place will be offered to the SIM member, who is top of the transfer request list. The FULL member can renew at a later date as a SIM.
If you do not wish to renew for 2023/2024 please let me know.
Gift Aid Scheme: Renewal and new member application forms have a tick box that you can use to indicate whether you qualify and wish to participate (this information will be shared with HMRC). As a registered charity, we can reclaim the basic rate tax on your subscription, if you pay an amount of Income tax or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount reclaimed in the tax year including all your Gift Aid. Gift Aid really boosts U3A’s receipts every year, so please participate if you can. You may cancel the declaration at any time by notifying us and should do so if your circumstances change and you are no longer paying tax.
General Data Protection Regulations: Please note the requirement for you to tick the box giving your consent for your data to be shared with the distributor of the New Age Trust Magazine. If you do not tick the box, you will no longer receive your copy of the magazine.
Benfleet U3A's Privacy Policy and our Data Protection Policy can be downloaded from the right hand column (a paper copy is available on request).
With best wishes
Bob Munson, Membership Secretary
Payments: Please make cheques payable to Benfleet U3A.
Please see Treasurers Notices regarding cheque amendments and other aspects of payment.
Please do NOT send cash through the post - we will not be held responsible for missing payment.
Other U3As
Membership of one U3A does not entitle the applicant to join another U3A's Interest Groups or Meetings, unless they are a member of that U3A.
You MUST be a member of Benfleet U3A in order to take part in our activities.
Please contact our Membership Secretary for details of our membership, availability and cost. Thank you.