Reading Group
You need to be a member of Bedford U3A to join this group.
Group Organiser: | Sandra Cuthbert Click the Bluebird icon to email Sandra or see Bulletin for telephone number |
Time: | 2pm to 3.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month |
Venue/Location: | Members’ houses |
Vacancies: | Full at the moment |
We read a vast variety of books (list can be accessed on the website), these are chosen by the members & at each meeting we individually give the book a score out of 10. The criteria being - just how much we enjoyed reading the book. The books often receive a very varied score 1- 9 which makes for an interesting discussion, we record the average & then have a cup of tea.
This group is full but if you are interested it might be possible to start another group so please email Sally Petre the Group Co-ordinator