Bedale & District

About Beacon

BEACON - What is it?

BEACON is the name of the u3a’s Information Management System. It is used by over 500 u3as. Bedale and District u3a transferred a lot of its administration, including membership records, on to BEACON in August 2021. All membership and group information is held together securely on a single system. Using BEACON is a huge time saver for the committee and it also ensures that Bedale u3a is compliant with the current regulations on Data Privacy.

How do we use BEACON?

Emails containing Membership Renewals, Monthly Information Sheets, Newsletters and AGM documentation are distributed to members via BEACON. Emails will tell you that they have been sent ‘via Bedale & District u3a.’ If you think you are missing some communications, please check your spam/junk folder.

As all Membership records are held on BEACON, it is much easier for the Membership Secretary to manage the renewals process and also to manage the distribution of the Third Age Matters Magazine.

The Treasurer can use BEACON for the Accounts, and Group Leaders can use BEACON for Group member records and to communicate with members.

If you would like to know more.
There is more information about BEACON on the national u3a site (, including a short video explaining what it is all about.

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