Welcome to Bearsden and Milngavie u3a
No longer in full time work and wish to learn new skills? or do you have a skill that you would enjoy sharing.
We have 50 + interest groups for you to join - they can be accessed by using the Groups button above and a Monthly Meeting involving varied and entertaining speakers (See Events Page for details).
Our monthly newsletters brings you up to date with current activities and are to be found using the Newsletter button
u3a Organisation
The u3a is a nationwide organisation made up of independent local groups run on a voluntary basis by their members. No qualifications are needed to join and none are awarded. It is all about providing the opportunity for those no longer in work, regardless of age, to come together, learning for pleasure and for fun! There is no distinction between the learners and the teachers, and everyone is encouraged to participate. You can find out more about the u3a movement on the Third Age Trust website and more about events for Scottish u3a members on the u3a in Scotland website, including their own AGM.
Membership, New and Renewals, and Monthly Meetings
Membership of our u3a is open to people from Bearsden, Milngavie and the surrounding area and provides access to as many of the interest groups as you wish to join, as well as attending monthly meetings. Activities are aimed at people who wish to share in educational, recreational and/or creative activities and companionship. Please click on Membership on top menu for details of How To Join or How to Renew your Membership.
We have an interesting talk each month by a visiting speaker as well as news of events and interest groups. Look on the Events page to find the latest details. We have a Welcome desk at the meeting, where you can speak to one of our Committee members if you have any queries or would like to find out more about our u3a.
Interest groups
Like all u3as, we draw upon the enthusiasm, knowledge, experience and skills of our own members to organise and provide a wide range of interest groups and activities. Our interest groups are set up and run by the members themselves. Any member can start up a group - you do not need to be an 'expert'. More information can be found on the Groups page and you can see photos of many of our groups on the Gallery page (top menu).