Bakewell Area

Writing For Pleasure

The Writing for Pleasure group meets once a month to read short stories written on a subject chosen the previous month. Stories are listened to in respectful silence after which a short discussion takes place. Comments are positive, advice is given on grammar and there is often admiration for a unique interpretation of the subject. Writers rarely miss a meeting, and members will submit a story to be read if they cannot attend.

A break for refreshment follows the readings, during which a word puzzle, chosen by the topic setter, is completed.

Recent topics have been 'I never meant that to happen', 'A change of direction' and 'Who are these people and why are they here'. Coming up is 'What's in the 'fridge'.

The group currently has six members, and there is room for one or two more. We meet in a private house.

If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Philippa Young on O1629 814796 or by clicking this link coordinator, writing for pleasure.

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