Welcome to AWAKE u3a

Anlaby, Willerby and Kirk Ella u3a

The University of the Third Age (u3a)
AWAKE u3a, along with all other u3as, sets out to provide stimulating activities for those who are retired from full-time employment. There are over 50 interest groups both large and small, including local history, walking, computer skills, French and jazz appreciation.

Monthly GENERAL meetings usually include:

  • a speaker,
  • refreshments
  • interest groups updates
  • time to meet other members

There is a no charge which includes tea or coffee.

These meetings are held from 2.00p.m to 4.00p.m. (14.00-16.00hrs) usually 3rd WEDNESDAY each month at St. Andrew's Memorial Hall, Kirk Ella, HU10 7QA.
For full details of the monthly meetings, please see our Events page.

Currently there are over 500 members and we would welcome more new members. Annual membership is £15. Some of the interest groups make an additional small charge to cover expenses.


A short video clip to show what our u3a is all about:

Click here to view the video and when you have finished watching it, just click the 'back' arrow to return to the Awake u3a site.


Charitable Status

We are pleased to announce that AWAKE u3a has gained charitable status. Registered Charity Number 1150988 ANLABY WILLERBY AND KIRK ELLA u3a


AWAKE u3a Constitution

The new AWAKE u3a constitution was adopted by the membership on Wed 18th Aug 2021 by a unanimous vote. To view this document click the link on top right of this page or for a printed copy contact our Committee.


Awake u3a forms part of the Yorkshire and Humber Region u3a, also included are the local u3as of Swanland, Cottingham, Hessle and Beverley

To view the latest newsletter from the Yorkshire and Humber Region u3a click on Yorkshire and Humber Region u3a