Room 101
This is the page where our members can vent their anger! Is there something that annoys you so much that you would like to see it consigned to Room 101? If so, write in and let us know. The more humorous your suggestions, the better - we don't want to be lectured to, but we want to be amused and entertained by your letters, so not too serious. Please send your contributions to our Newsletter Editor, heading your message 'Room 101'.
Gary Lineker
My obvious choice is Gary Lineker. Although the most highly paid employee of BBC, all he does is present Match of the Day on Saturday evening, for about an hour and a half per week in the football season, most of which is showing football highlights. When he has something to say it is only "What do you think Alan"(Alan Shearer). Obviously he is not paid enough to present Match of the Day on Sunday evening because someone else does it. He must go in to Room 101.
John A.
Rupert the Bear
This may sound a little strange, but, I would put Rupert the Bear into Room 101 along with all of his smartly dressed animal friends. When I was a child, my introduction to Rupert was via a Christmas annual. Now instead of being delighted by the jolly japes of all the characters I found it a bit scary to see all of the animals walking on two legs. Added to this they were all dressed up in human clothes. This gave my young self the impression that they were all children who had been changed into animal forms. As a youngster I found it to be quite unsettling. Added to this, Rupert’s pals all seemed to be about the same size as each other. There was Bill Badger and Edward Trunk the Elephant, Podgy Pig in his dapper suit and most frightening of all was Willie Mouse. The thought of a mouse that was the size of a bear filled me with dread. I can tell you that I kept a close eye on the cheese in our house.
All of the childhood trauma was brought back to me recently when watching a wildlife documentary. In one scene two bear cubs were shown standing on their hind legs. I expected them to don bright red jumpers, checked trousers and scarfs before wandering off into the forest in search of a giant mouse.
This brings me onto Winnie the Pooh. On the face of it, a rotund friendly character wandering around in the Hundred Acre Wood, dressed in a badly fitting red tee shirt. I can hear you thinking, what’s wrong with that, everyone loves dear old Winnie. Why isn’t he wearing trousers? As a kid I was always told to steer well clear of anyone creeping around the woods without his trousers on.
A suggestion from one of our members called Steve:
Well here is my suggestion: get PETER LEVY in Room 101, lock the door and throw away the key. He drives me mad with his aggressive interview style, just takes the diametrically opposed view to the interviewee and constantly interrupts, that’s it! AND he can’t string a sentence together without a host of Eh’s between (or in the middle of) words, he’s got an autocue for Gods sake as Paul (Large forehead) Hudson keeps pointing out, and he is useless too. Can’t Keeley and Abbey just take it in turns? Well that’s it, really sorry if you love Look South.
Steve R
... and now, another contribution:
Telling me things I already know: Why oh why, when I watch the weather forecast is the first bit of it devoted to what has happened methodologically in the day I have just lived through. I ALREADY KNOW. I was there. Please just tell me what to expect in the future.
This brings me on to documentaries shown on commercial channels. Sitting down in front of the box I soak up the entertainment and education for the first 15 minutes, before muting the sound, when those irritating adverts come on. (What do those Meerkats advertise anyway?). Then it’s back on with the sound only to have to sit through a five minute reprise of the first part of the program. I ALREADY KNOW THAT! I’ve just watched it. I think it’s just a way for the T V company to make a half hour program last for an hour. By doing this they can annoy me with extra breaks (and extra Meerkats ) and even more five minute summaries of the earlier bits of the programme.
On the plus side, my bladder is not quite what it was in my younger days. So a few more breaks can be handy.
Steve C
... and another:
All drivers who when stopped at traffic lights, Railway crossings or the like, for any length of time, keep their foot on the brake pedal blinding me with their brake lights especially when dark. I feel like getting out of my car with a hammer and putting their lights out!
One spleen vented,
David B
... and yet another:
We want to add Radio Humberside's Kofi (R Haich) Smiles to room 101. If ever there was a presenter who waffles on and on and is regularly undecipherable, then he is that person. Thank goodness he is only covering for James Picos on a short term basis. Come back James, all is forgiven and thank goodness also for David 'Burnsy' Burns.
Les & Sue
Where are you hiding? All you grumpy old men and grumpy old women - we need more contributions for this page, to keep us all amused! So, find something to moan about and put pen to paper (or fingers to the keyboard) and let us hear about your choices for Room 101! If you feel that your views are too contentious, We can even publish your letter anonymously (as long as we know who sent it, and it does not breach our editorial standards!). So, please send your contributions to our Newsletter Editor, heading your message 'Room 101'.